
Selected Publications

Polania R: external pageGoogle Scholar

Preprints / In Preparation

J Heng, M Woodford, R Polania. Efficient numerosity estimation under limited time

T Dubcek, D Ledergerber, F Capecchi, MS Garcia, L Imbach*, R Polania*Personalized predictive modeling of epileptic network dynamics

J Brus, J Heng, V Beliaevna, F Gonzalez, M Grueschow, R Polania. Causal phase-dependent control of non-spatial attention in human prefrontal cortex

MB Garcia, M Grueschow, M Moisa, R Polania, CC Ruff. Causal evidence for a domain-specific role of left superior frontal sulcus in human perceptual decision-making
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M Grueschow, R Polania, TA Hare, CC Ruff. Arousal Optimizes Neural Evidence Representation for Human Decision-Making
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All Publications

Schaffner J, Bao SD, Tobler PN, Hare TA, Polania R (2023) Sensory perception relies on fitness-maximizing codes.
Nature Human Behaviour
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Aiello G, Ledergeber D, Dubcek T, Stieglitz L, Baumann C, Polania R*, Imbach L* (2023) Functional network dynamics between the anterior thalamus and the cortex in deep brain stimulation for epilepsy. BRAIN
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Barretto-García M, de Hollander G, Grueschow M, Polania R, et al (2023) Individual risk attitudes arise from noise in neurocognitive magnitude representations. Nature Human Behaviour
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Potok W, Post A, Beliaeva B, ..., Polania R, et al (2023) Modulation of visual contrast sensitivity with tRNS across the visual system, evidence from stimulation and simulation. eNeuro
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Grujic N, Brus J, Burdakov D, Polania R (2022) Rational inattention in mice. Science Advances
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Brus J, Aebersold H, Grueschow M, Polania R (2021) Sources of confidence in value-based choice. Nature Communications
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Beliaeva V, Savvateev I, Zerbi V, Polania R (2021) Toward integrative approaches to study the causal role of neural oscillations via transcranial electrical stimulation. Nature Communications
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G Ugazio, M Grueschow, R Polania, C Lamm, PN Tobler, CC Ruff. (2021) Neuro-Computational Foundations of Moral Preferences. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience
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Heng JA, Woodford M., Polania R. (2020) Efficient sampling and noisy decisions. eLife
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Beliaeva V, Polania R. (2020) Can low-intensity tACS genuinely entrain neural activity in vivo? Brain Stimulation
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SU Maier, A Raja Beharelle, R Polania, CC Ruff, TA Hare. (2020) Dissociable mechanisms govern when and how strongly reward attributes affect decisions. Nature Human Behaviour
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C Murd, M Moisa, M Grueschow, R Polania, C Ruff. (2020) Causal contributions of human frontal eye fields to distinctaspects of decision formation. Scientific Reports
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Brus J., Heng J., Polania R. (2019) Weber’s Law: A Mechanistic Foundation after Two Centuries. TiCS
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Polania R., Woodford M., Ruff C. (2019) Efficient coding of subjective value. Nature Neuroscience
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Edelson M., Polania R., Ruff C., Fehr E., Hare TA. (2018) Computational and neurobiological foundations of leadership decisions. Science
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Polania R., Nitsche MA, Ruff C. (2018) Studying and modifying brain function with non-invasive brain stimulation. Nature Neuroscience
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Hill H, Suzuki S., Polania R., Moisa M, O’Doherty, Ruff C. (2017) A causal account of the brain network computations underlying strategic social behavior. Nature Neuroscience
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Bachinger M, Zerbi V, Moisa M., Polania R., Liu Q, Mantini D, Ruff C. (2017) Concurrent tACS-fMRI Reveals Causal Influence of Power Synchronized Neural Activity on Resting State fMRI Connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience
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Moisa M., Polania R., Grueschow M., Ruff C. (2016) Neural substrates of motor performance enhancement by transcranial entrainment of gamma oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience
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Polania R., Moisa M., Opitz A., Grueschow M., Ruff CC. (2015). The precision of value-based choices depends causally on fronto-parietal phase-coupling. Nature Communications
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Raja-Beharelle A., Polania R., Hare TA., Ruff CC. (2015). Transcranial stimulation over frontopolar cortex elucidates the neural mechanisms used to resolve exploration-exploitation trade-offs. Journal of Neuroscience
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Grueschow M, Polania R, Hare TA, Ruff CC. (2015). Automatic versus choice-dependent value representations in the human brain. Neuron
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Polania R., Krajbich I, Grueschow M, Ruff CC. (2014). Neural oscillations and synchronization differentially support evidence accumulation in perceptual and value-based choices. Neuron
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Saiote C, Polanía R, Rosenberger K, Paulus W, Antal A. (2013). High-frequency TRNS reduces BOLD activity during visuomotor learning. PloS One
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Polania R., Nitsche M.A., Korman C., Batsikadze G., Paulus W (2012). The Importance of Timing in Segregated Theta-Phase Coupling for Cognitive Performance. Current Biology
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Polania R., Paulus W., Nitsche MA. (2012). Reorganizing the intrinsic functional architecture of the human primary motor cortex during rest with non-invasive cortical stimulation. PloS One
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Polania R., Paulus W., Nitsche MA. (2012). Modulating cortico-strialtal and thalamo-cortical functional connectivity with transcranial direct current stimulation. Human Brain Mapping
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Polania R., Paulus W., Nitsche MA. (2012). Non-invasively decoding the contents of visual working memory in the human prefrontal cortex within high-gamma oscillatory patterns. J Cogn. Neurosci
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Polania R., Paulus W., Antal A., Nitsche MA. (2011). Introducing graph theory to track for neuroplastic alterations in the resting human brain: A transcranial direct current stimulation study. NeuroImage
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Polania R., Nitsche MA., Paulus W. (2011). Modulating functional connectivity patterns and topological organization of the human brain with transcranial direct current stimulation. Hum Brain Mapping
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Polania A.*, Andrea A.*, Schmidt-Samoa C., Dechent P., Paulus W. (2011). Transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex during fMRI. NeuroImage
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Antal A., Polania R., Saller K., Morawetz C., Schmidt-Samoa C., Baudewig J., Paulus W., Dechent P. (2011). Differential activation of the middle-temporal complex to visual stimulation in migraneurs. Cephalalgia
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Sommer M., Gileles E., Knappmeyer K., Rothkegel H., Polania R., Paulus W. (2012). Carbazepine reduces short-interval interhemispheric inhibition in healthy humans. Clin Neurophysiol
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Florez L.A., Gunka K., Polania R., Thole S., Stülke J. (2011). SPABBATS: A pathway-discovery method based on Boolean satisfiability that facilitates the characterization of suppressor mutants. BMC Syst Biol
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Torres JH, Villarraga C, Polania R, Egel A. (2006). Implementation of a telemetry system for low-cost measurement of plantar pressures. Rev Ing.

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